Youth In Action
What Can I Do?
Contact your school to see what you can do to take action! There are many other ways you can get involved!
It is the Mission of SoRock Youth In Action to:
Energize, Educate and Empower our peers and community to make healthy choices. Youth groups are facilitated by SoRock staff and/or board members within the middle and high schools for the towns we serve.
Newton, Kingston & Fremont Youth
The Sanborn Youth in Action is and entirely youth driven organization who make a difference in the school community by helping people and raising awareness for prominent issues.
To bring attention and action to current topics impacting the day to day lives of students such as mental health, substance use, bullying, eating disorders, peer pressure, FOMO and more!
Atkinson, Danville, Plaistow & Sandown Youth
Timberlane Peer Outreach continues to lead our school in many substance misuse and mental health awareness activities throughout the school year. Red Ribbon Week, Great American Smokeout, 3 D (Drunk, Drugged and Distracted Driving) Awareness Month, When the Holidays aren't So Happy, Orange 4 Love (teen dating violence Awareness Week), Self Injury Awareness Month, Student Opioid Abuse Summit, Alcohol Awareness Month, Operation Sticker Shock (Buyer Beware), Drunk and Distracted Driving Simulators, Mix it Up at Lunch Day (Diversity Awareness), and Fatal Reality for Prom and Graduation season
Timberlane Life of an Owl Program (NHIAA LIfe of an Athlete group) has been very active in student athlete leadership development and promoting healthy lifestyle decisions and positive school climate. Students meet monthly to discuss scenarios that develop character and citizenship. They have also been involved in cross age mentoring opportunity with the Timberlane Learning Center (Sandown Central) in the "Little Owl's Reading Buddies". This year Life of an Owl co-sponsored the NHIAA training on Restorative Practice for policy teams of Athletic Directors, Coaches, Counselors and other Administrators from various schools across the state. Life of an Owl was the only school team that had two student voices as part of it. Next steps will be to make policy recommendations to the Administration and the School Board to bring ourselves more in line with "Best Practice".
Sticker Shock
As a result of data collected by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, it was determined that less than 4% of youth were getting their alcohol from retailers. That being said, underage drinkers must be getting most of it from of age adults-right? The Sticker Shock Campaign is designed to educate adults about the penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors. Stickers are placed on all multi-packs of beer, wine coolers, and other alcohol products that might appeal to underage drinkers. As a participant in a sticker shock campaign, you would go out to local retailers along with adult chaperones and Liquor Enforcement to sticker cases of beer, etc. Customers, thinking that they are coupons, read the stickers and ask students what it is all about –a great way to have a conversation. It is all about raising community awareness and getting media attention about the issue.
Fatal Reality
Fatal reality is a mock crash scene presented the week of the prom for seniors. With the collaboration of fire, police, emergency medical responders and a local funeral parlor, a mock DWI accident is staged. Student “victims” are chosen, i.e. injured, deceased and intoxicated driver. The scene is played out by the responders as they would with a real crash. The event is played out in detail by an emergency official. The DWI student is brought through all the tests and plays out his or her emotions while seeing “the deceased” person put in the back of the hearse. The student is then put in handcuffs and taken away. By using real students that the others know or know of, puts the emphasis on how this really could happen to any one of them.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. Although the start end dates can vary slightly depending on the organization and source, Red Ribbon Week generally takes place the last full week in October, with the weekends before and following the last full week included as appropriate celebration dates.
Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand forthe hopes and dreams of our children through a commitment to drug prevention and education and a personal commitment to live drug free lives with the ultimate goal being the creation of drug free America.